Educational Programs

We offer a wide range of educational programs to accelerate students' learning and catalyze an introduction to technology and, hopefully, life long learning.


Week 1: • Introduction of Python Language; • Syntax and Semantics of the Python; • Will be given information on Python Environment Setup. Week 2: • Introduction to Variables; • Sessions on enhancing ideas on Loops; • Practice skills in resolving typical implementation challenges. Week 3: • Ideas will be given on Data Types, Variables, Basic Input-Output Operations, Basic Operators; • A lecture on Python Literals. Week 4: • Operators - Data Manipulation Tools; • A lecture on Variables - Data-Shaped Boxes; • Practice skills in resolving typical implementation challenges


Week 1: • Introduction to Java; • Ideas will be given on Java Environment Setup. Week 2: • A session on Data types in Java; • Information on object-oriented programming in Java. Week 3: • Information on conditionals and control flow; • Information on Java arrays and Array-Lists; • Practice skills in resolving typical implementation challenges. Week 4: • A session on Increment and Decrement; • Information on Handling string; • Ideas will be given on how to take input from user.


Week 1: • Introduction to C Programming Language, Introduction to compiler,Linker, loader, Interpreter. Week 2: • Algorithm and Flowchart Classification of programming Languages Week 3: • Overview of C Constants, Variables Week 4: • Data types in C

Mobile App Development

Week 1: • Basics of Mobile App Development Week 2: • Programming fundamentals (language-agnostic) Week 3: • If-else logic, loops, event handling Week 4: • Designing Android user interfaces .