Our Mission

VantageFront strives to diversify the tech ecosystem by breaking down barriers, creating spaces, and connecting communities to support and empower those we work with to thrive. As we expand our scope and goals to create a connected network across the nation and beyond, we do so with the following intentions, and with a goal of transforming the global tech ecosystem.

Our Values

VantageFront is committed to: 


VantageFront aims to create and maintain a diverse community that fosters a sense of belonging. 



VantageFront aims to provide and create equal access to resources and opportunities in order to strengthen the tech community.


VantageFront believes that you can be your true self and thrive in tech, and strives to empower community members to achieve their full potential.


VantageFront aims to break down all barriers to entry and provide everyone with equal opportunities to participate in and contribute to the tech community.